Browse Items (752 total)

With blue cold hands and stockingless feet,Wandered a child in the cheerless street,Children we e many, who housed and fed,Lovingly neastled, dreaming in bed,Carroled their joy in a land of blissWithout a thought or care of this,They were warm in…

Have you ever stood in the crowded street, In the glare of the fitful lamp, And marked the tread of the million feet In their quaintly musical tramp? As the surging throng move to and fro, 'Tis a pleasant sight, I ween, To mark the figures that…

Scatter the germs of the beautiful, By the wayside let them fall, That the rose may spring by the cottage, And the vine by the garden wall; Cover the rough and the rude ofearth With a veil of leaves and flowers, And mark with the opening bud…

Life is a race where some succeed While the others are beginning; 'Tis luck at times, at others speed, That gives an early winning. But if you chance to fall behind, Ne'er slacken your endeavor, But keep this wholsome truth in mind, 'Tis…

We see not, know not; all our wayIs night: with Thee alone is day.From out the torrent’s troubled drift,Above the storm our prayers we lift,Thy will be done! The flesh may fail, the heart may faint,But who are we to make complaint,Or dare to plead,…

At the request of several friends the following poem was read, composed and presented by Rev S.M. Giles, as a memorial:MOUNT ZION CORNER STONEAlmighty God thy blessings grant, On what we here perform: And may thy dwelling place be where We lay…

Hammer, and tongs, and anvils ringing, Waking echoes all day long, In a deep-toned voice are singing Thrifty Labor's iron song. From a thousand fly wheels bounding, From a thousand singing looms, Night and day the ntoes are sounding Through…

Behold against the western skyThe sacred banner waves on high;That banner which our race has borneA thousand years triumphant on,Gleaming through England's glorious days,Lightning our father's darkest ways,The beacon bright on Plymouth's night,The…

The following Parody was written by a gentleman who formerly resided at the South.Come, saints and sinners, hear me tell,How pious priests whip Jack and NellAnd women buy, and children sell,And preach all sinners down to hell, And sing of heavenly…

A War correspondent of the CincinnatiGazetteclaims that the following effusions were found among the official papers of the Adjutant of one of the Virginia regiments:Come all you brave Virginia boys With hearts boath stout and true Come lets go…
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